Overlapped Bootstrapping for FHEW/TFHE and Its Application to SHA3
Deokhwa Hong, Youngjin Choi, Yongwoo Lee, Young-Sik Kim
Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), Accepted, 2025
ModHE: Modular Homomorphic Encryption Using Module Lattices: Potentials and Limitations
Anisha Mukherjee, Aikata Aikata, Ahmet Can Mert, Yongwoo Lee, Sunmin Kwon, Maxim Deryabin, Sujoy Sinha Roy
CHES, 2024
Efficient FHEW bootstrapping with small evaluation keys, and applications to threshold homomorphic encryption
Yongwoo Lee, Daniele Micciancio, Andrey Kim, Rakyong Choi, Maxim Deryabin, Jieun Eom, and Donghoon Yoo
Eurocrypt, 2023
Medha: Microcoded hardware accelerator for computing on encrypted data
Ahmet Can Mert, Aikata, Sunmin Kwon, Youngsam Shin, Donghoon Yoo, Yongwoo Lee, and Sujoy Sinha Roy
CHES, 2023
OpenFHE: Open-source fully homomorphic encryption library
Ahmad Al Badawi, Jack Bates, Flavio Bergamaschi, David Bruce Cousins, Saroja Erabelli, Nicholas Genise, Shai Halevi, Hamish Hunt, Andrey Kim, Yongwoo Lee, Zeyu Liu, Daniele Micciancio, Ian Quah, Yuriy Polyakov, Saraswathy R.V., Kurt Rohloff, Jonathan Saylor, Dmitriy Suponitsky, Matthew Triplett, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, and Vincent Zucca
WAHC, 2022
High-precision bootstrapping for approximate homomorphic encryption by error variance minimization
Yongwoo Lee, Joon-Woo Lee, Young-Sik Kim, Yongjune Kim, Jong-Seon No, and HyungChul Kang
High-precision bootstrapping of RNS-CKKS homomorphic encryption using optimal minimax polynomial approximation and inverse sine function
Joon-Woo Lee, Eunsang Lee, Yongwoo Lee, Young-Sik Kim, Jong-Seon No
General bootstrapping approach for RLWE-based homomorphic encryption
Andrey Kim, Maxim Deryabin, Jieun Eom, Rakyong Choi, Yongwoo Lee, Whan Ghang, Donghoon Yoo
IEEE Trans. on Computers, 2024
Privacy-preserving machine learning with fully homomorphic encryption for deep neural network
Joon-Woo Lee, HyungChul Kang, Yongwoo Lee, Woosuk Choi, Jieun Eom, Maxim Deryabin, Eunsang Lee, Junghyun Lee, Donghoon Yoo, Young-Sik Kim, Jong-Seon No
IEEE Access, 2022
Iterative coding scheme satisfying GC balance and run-length constraints for DNA storage with robustness to error propagation
Seong-Joon Park, Yongwoo Lee*, Jong-Seon No
Journal of Communications and Networks, 2022
Improved reduction between SIS problems over structured lattices
Zahyun Koo, Yongwoo Lee, Joon-Woo Lee, Jong-Seon No, Young-Sik Kim
IEEE Access, 2021
Cryptanalysis of the Ivanov-Kabatiansky-Krouk-Rumenko cryptosystems
Yongwoo Lee, Jinkyu Cho, Young-Sik Kim, Jong-Seon No
IEEE Communications Letters, 2020
Modified pqsigRM: RM code-based signature scheme
Yongwoo Lee, Wijik Lee, Young-Sik Kim, Jong-Seon No
IEEE Access, 2020
Near-optimal polynomial for modulus reduction using L2-norm for approximate homomorphic encryption
Yongwoo Lee, Joon-Woo Lee, Young-Sik Kim, Jong-Seon No
IEEE Access, 2020
Ciphertext-only attack on linear feedback shift register-based Esmaeili-Gulliver cryptosystem
Yongwoo Lee, Young-Sik Kim, Jong-Seon No
IEEE Communications Letters, 2017
cuTraNTT: A Novel Transposed Number Theoretic Transform Targeting Low Latency Homomorphic Encryption for IoT Applications
Supriya Adhikary, Wai Kong Lee, Angshuman Karmakar, Yongwoo Lee, Seong Oun Hwang, Ramachandra Achar
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2024
A New Fine Tuning Method for FHEW/TFHE Bootstrapping with IND-CPAD Security
Deokhwa Hong, Young-Sik Kim, Yongwoo Lee, Eunyoung Seo
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2024
Amortized Large Look-up Table Evaluation with Multivariate Polynomials for Homomorphic Encryption
Heewon Chung, Hyojun Kim, Young-Sik Kim, Yongwoo Lee
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2024
LFHE: Fully homomorphic encryption with bootstrapping key size less than a megabyte
Andrey Kim, Yongwoo Lee, Maxim Deryabin, Jieun Eom, Rakyong Choi
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2023
Natural Logarithm을 이용한 암호문간의 거듭제곱 동형연산 방법
최영진, 이용우
2024년도 한국통신학회 하계종합학술발표회
양자 내성 동형암호 FHEW 내에서의 효율적인 XOR 연산
홍덕화, 이용우, 김영식
2023년도 한국통신학회 추계종합학술발표회
양자 내성 동형암호 FHEW 내에서의 효율적인 XOR 연산
홍덕화, 이용우
KR 10-2023-0169063